Rabu, 6 April 2011


1.Overview of the movie..

This story is about the Clyde Shelton family that is his wife and his daughter had died by two murderer named Clarence Darby and Rupert Ames that came into his house. He does not able to protect and get justice to save his wife and daughter.This Shelton not satisfied with law that decides by justice. Until 10 years later, he feel that he rigths to kill people who involve in trial.Shelton had decide to make his own method to vengeance the two murderer and who is involve in the justice decided. Here,have Nick Rice as the police that investigate the cases. In order,he want to arrest the two murderer the Shelton had kill them first in his way. Shelton had plan many good things and all his plan was successful. It started from he killed the Darby by putting more poison, and Ames by paralyze him by neurotoxin then he proceed to kill him slowly by buzz saw. Next he kill the judge through exploding telephone. He also kill Sarah by bombs planted within their cars gastanks. Finally, Nick had discover his last planed that want to bomb the ministry during they discussion and secrets route of Shelton in how he doing all his planned. But Nick success to failed Shelton plan and bring back the bag bomb into the Shelton jail. The bomb explode and consuming him in fire and killing him before the jail explode. He seek revenge kill all people that involve in the justice that not fair. He got to show that law system is corrupted in that state. In the end, he managed to give the lessons to Nick about the fair in justice.

2. The protagonist in the movie.Why?

In my opinion Nick Rise is the protagonist character in this movie. Eventhough in the starting he is bad person because he make a deal with wrong person to win the case or to stay on his conviction rate but it change in by movie goes. I said he is protagonist because he is caring or loving father. In the movie he had told to Shelton don't touch his wife and daugther. This show that he is loving father and loving husband towards his family. In addition, is he very care about his partner work that named Sarah went Sarah died by bomb planted within her car gastank. Next, he is goal oriented or workholic person. He managed to get high conviction rate in along his win the casses in work. Until one case he make deal with Darby the murderer to make sure his rate still remain in high place. Next, is he is very concerned with his work until he did not came to see his daughter performance. Even though his daughter very hope that her father give support to her during her performance. Lastly,he is intelligent people. But in wrong decision making. We can see in the movie he managed to solve any casses give to he. Make until he reach 96% conviction rate during his work. At the first movie he make deal with murder person in order to keep his conviction rate maintain. This show he make wrong decision in order to maintain his higher rate.

3. The antagonist in the movie.Why?

In this movie I think Clyde Shelton is the antagonist character. At the first movie he is a good father their family live in happy conditions but something had crash their family thats make him change to bad. He is hot-tempered person. He get angry to the judge in the court while they doing proceeding about him. Other than that, he doing all his planned in creepy way. In terms to killed everybody that involve in. Next, he is intelligent because he is the best spy. He managed to make his own strategies that over 10 years. He also managed to make trickery to the Nick about himself. Then he pretend to be like crazy person. He also brave,he doing in own self all the murder. All his planned very cruel. He like revenge back what all of them do to him but in a cruel way.

4.Why does Clyde decide not to kill Nick Rice?

 In my opinion, Clyde decide not to kill Nick Rice because he want Nick to teach or give lessons to Nick about law,justice to be fair among people. Other than that, is to make Nick no longer to care about his higher rate more but towards who is wrong is wrong and who is true is true. Then maybe Clyde think that Nick also have daughter and wife like him before so he don't want that family Nick loss Nick if he killed Nick. The situation will same to he if Nick died,his daughter will loss her father.

5. Based on your understanding, what is the motive behind the killings done by Clyde?

In my understanding, the motive behind the killings done by Clyde is because he want to show  that justice is important. The judge must give fairly decisions toward offender. Them cannot make unfair decision because we as citizen have the right to get true decision from them. Other than that, he want to revenge back in all what they have do to him. He want protect back dignity of his family because his wife and daughter had died. He want to show that if the court people don't give fair decision the citizen can do anything to get the right.

Khamis, 31 Mac 2011


1.The summary of the movie.

The movie begins at two rail yard station that in Pennsylvania.It happened when the worker at the rail station that named Dewey had loss control the train. He want to repair the rail switch  by himself. At the same time in the Fuller yard in northern Pennsylvania, they have children arrive for a school field trip on rail safety. While in the southern Pennsylvania town of Stanton, Will Colson had begin his work. He is the new worker at that rail station. At the work Will as the conductor in the rail station and he will working with an engineer that named Frank Barnes. Frank is an experience engineer over the 28 years. He very care and love his daughters.The 777 train that under control have reach the maximum speed will damaged the many population in the Pennsylvania.In order to stop it they must figure out the step to take before the train harms come to the town.  But this two guy had take the risk to tried to stop the train.The company had tried many ways to stop the train but is does not working. They have to chasing the runaway train in a separate locomotive and need to bring it under control before the train derails on the curve and cause the toxic spill that will damaged the town that is Stanton. Then they success to stop  and control the train  eventhough they have to face many problems during that time.

2.The best quality or element that you like in the movie? Why?

I think the best quality or element that i like in the movie is the scenery that  the director used in the movie. I said like that because the scenery is clear that is in the railway train station.In the movie I can see the real scenery of rail train station work.How the worker doing their work at the train station. How the worker will handle the train thats mean in what way they will perform the train to another station.Other than that, I can know what are the title worker that have in railway station,that is the conductor, the engineer and the most important is the yardmaster of the train station. The yardmaster hold the important part where he or she know all the trip that train will pass.
However, the next element that i like is the plot in the movie used. The story of veteran train driver, Frank and rookie rail-conductor, Will who are grouped together on a fateful day when bumbling co-worker, Dewey that careless in control the train. While their middle boss, Connie is looking to save lives, one of the company heads, Galvin is willing to do whatever it takes to save money. It shows that Galvin is selfish person,he does not care about the human he just care about cost losses that he will face if the train cannot be under control. Same to the sound effect that the director used it.He know when to used the suspend sound when thrill action happened. The action created in this movie also interesting. We can look where the Will tried to connect the 777 train with his train 1206.

3.The least quality or the element that I found in the movie, and why not.

I think the character in this movie is the least element. The character that I mean is the bad character or the antagonist.In this movie it is hold by the Galvin. He is selfish person in order to think and only care about his money if he loses to tried to control the 777 train. In order, his way to save the 777 train,had many people died,for example the Ryan Scott,he an employee who attempts unsuccessfully to board the 777 train from helicopter.  
Next, the character of the Frank daughter's, that is Maya and Nicole Frank. They act as annoying child to their father,Frank. We can see, even though their father late called them to wish birthday,but his daughter are act annoying toward Frank. They just want to work as waitresses at Hooters and want enjoyed. This will show that they not really care about their father. The spirit in Frank will down if his daughter's  keep act like that.As we know,Frank want to take risk to tried to stop the 777 train,in order to to that he may lead to many problem that we cant though.

4. Are movies just entertainment for you, or do you think they have an important part to play in our society? Explain.

I think this movie has pretty much everything I want in an good action movie. Its got good acting, and I also thought it had a good story. I was on the edge of my seat the whole time and the movie was very suspenseful. This movie is really entertaining me and is one of the most fun time I had look at the movies in a while. I was very suprised at how much I liked this movie. I cared about the characters and really wanted them to succeed. Unstoppable takes a simple premise and spins it into an entertaining film surging with pure energy. That I can see in the character of the hero that is Will and Frank in order to stop the train. It grabs my attention and doesn't let me go for doing another things.There is definitely lots of suspense and plenty of scenes but there is no blood or weapons violence.  It is pretty good movie too some flaws. There is violence but no fights, most of it is thrill, not action. Myself rooting for them the whole way story. A train explosion does kill one conductor, the runaway train nearly collides with a horse, and the main characters get injured and bruised.The character is also demonstrate strong teamwork skills. 

5. Scenes of violence in film or movie lead people to be more violent in life. Do you agree with this statement? Why or why not?

I agree with this statement that scenes of violence in film or movie lead people to be more in life. It is because in this movie they have an character that is Galvin when he make decision to navigate the a veteran engineer who dies in an attempt to slow the runaway, that named Judd Stewart.This shows personality of selfish on his self. By his decision make many people have to sacrifice and died. Next is show that he don't care about other people life. He just care about his money than people life that may harm if the train cannot be control.